Chivalry in Islam

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Dear Student,

One day the Prophet ﷺ was sitting with a few of his ﷺ Companions, and a man entered the masjid. The companions were confused as they had not seen this man before yet he did not have any sign of travel on him. The strange man walked right up to where the Prophet ﷺ was sitting, and sat down so close that his knees were touching the blessed knees of the Beloved of Allah ﷺ. The man then proceeded to ask the Prophet ﷺ a series of questions.

  • What is Islam?
  • What is Iman?
  • What is Ihsan?

As the Prophet ﷺ answered each of these questions, the stranger affirmed the correctness of his ﷺ answers. Thereafter, the stranger asked the Prophet ﷺ to tell him of the Hour. The Prophet ﷺ stated that Allah, the All-Knowing, All-Wise, alone knows of the Hour. So the stranger asked him ﷺ about its signs. The Prophet of Allah ﷺ answered with signs of the Hour and the man got up and left.

All the while, the Companions watched in awe. The Prophet ﷺ called to Umar RA and asked him:

“Oh Umar, do you know who that man was?”

Umar replied in the negative.

Rasulullah ﷺ then stated, “That was Jibreel AS who came to teach your religion to you.”

This course focuses on the last question the angel Jibreel AS asked of the Prophet. In this course we focus on the concept of Ihsan, as the Prophet of Allah ﷺ answered, “It is that you pray as though you see Allah, and if you cannot do that, then know that He sees you.”

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Course Content

An Introduction to Futuwwah

  • Nothing except Allah
  • The preparation for a state of Wakefulness
  • Difficulty breeds success

The Nabi ﷺ was known as the Truthful

Humility is success

Serving those around you

Restrain yourself

Fearing none except Allah

Give of yourself sincerely


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